Friday, November 13, 2009

Emery's First Fall Retreat

We're packing up all the gear in the Student Center and getting excited about leaving for Fall Retreat this afternoon! One of the many reasons I'm excited about this weekend is that this is Emery's first of many Fall Retreats to come! Weekends like this are by far the best part of ministry and being able to do it with family makes it that much sweeter! Katie and I have always been partners in ministry and it's so exciting to add Emery as a part of our ministries. This weekend, we're heading off the YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow and expecting God to do great things! David Gregory is leading worship and myself and Jeff Mangum are co-teaching on Obedience. Did I mention that there's horseback riding? I hope there's not a weight limit! Pray for us this weekend as we're expecting God to move in a powerful way in our Student Ministry! By the way Chris Tripputi designed this graphic for us if you're looking for a graphic designer he is the best. Will be back for updates on the retreat on Sunday... or maybe Monday.

1 comment:

Caron said...

I have to admit, when I first saw your blog title my heart skipped a beat - Emery's First Fall until I saw the word Retreat. I know, I'm such a grandmother, can't help it. Enjoy the weekend. Katie, Pat & Kelly used to go to Camp Flaming Arrow for Indian Princess campouts every fall. They have great memories of that place. Ok, here's the grandmother speaking again - keep Emery off the horses. Too much bouncing of the head for an infant.