Thursday, January 21, 2010

What's your plan for Discipleship?

I have been a Purpose Driven fanatic since I first entered full time ministry in 2002. I read Doug Field's book Purpose Driven Youth Ministry and began following all things Purpose Driven since. Rick Warren pushes in his message at The Nines conference that you MUST have a plan for discipleship. I agree that it is helpful and beneficial to have a plan, but sometimes I think we create too much structure in the church and submit to structure over spirit. I do strongly agree with having a plan to follow, I just think that we have to be careful to how firmly we cling to our plan and make sure that we leave flexibility for the movement of God.

I'm curious, what is your plan? I've always led ministries with the idea that our large group experience was evangelism and our small group experiences were discipleship. In the past few years though I think we are seeing small groups becoming more of an evangelism/front door experience and more discipleship based teaching in our large group settings. At Segue, our College gathering, we started with about 5 or 6 students in a house with a discipleship based Bible study. We have since grown in the past year and a half or so to around 200 students in an auditorium but the depth of our Bible studies is still just as deep.

I think what I'm finding is that discipleship happens in so many different forms. It often occurs when we are intentional with our planning, but it also occurs at times and in programs where we aren't so intentional and God moves despite our efforts!

1 comment:

Chef Mama Lori said...

Nils, I love how you search for the Truth and share that in your blog posts. A verse that we especially clung to as missionaries was Proverbs 16:9: In his heart a man plans his course,but the LORD determines his steps. In the New Testament Jesus spoke of counting the cost before going to war. I don't have a good answer for you, but I know from experience that we can and SHOULD plan, but we also need to be willing to go where God leads even if it means altering the plan.

I always enjoy reading your blog!